Sunday, 31 July 2011

Ideologi songsang graduan IPTA

KUALA LUMPUR – Seorang graduan institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) yang ditahan pihak berkuasa tahun lalu dipercayai telah menggunakan Internet sebagai medium untuk menyebarkan ideologi Salafiah Jihadiah bagi merekrut anggota militan baharu.

Dia yang merupakan Ketua Sel Tandzim al-Qaeda Asia Tenggara, Jemaah Islamiah (JI) telah mengendalikan enam buah blog, 37 artikel dan 35 audio (MP3) dalam usaha menyebarkan dakyah militan.

Sumber keselamatan memberitahu, blog pertama yang dibina oleh pelajar tersebut adalah Khattab Media Publication pada 12 Mei 2008.

“Isu-isu yang dibincangkan dalam blog itu menjurus kepada kewajipan untuk berjihad di Selatan Thailand.

“Tulisan itu juga menyeru agar Kerajaan Malaysia dan lain-lain negara Islam yang didakwa sekular dan pengamal bidaah digulingkan,” kata sumber itu ketika ditemui Kosmo! baru-baru ini.

Menurut kenyataan yang disiarkan dalam blog Khattab Media, graduan berkenaan yang berumur 28 tahun yang juga merupakan ahli Majlis Syura Mujahidin mengumumkan pelancaran operasi ketenteraan iaitu ‘Operasi Taubah’ untuk menggulingkan kerajaan Sekular Islam di negara-negara di rantau Asia Tenggara termasuk Malaysia.

Memetik laman web http://mp3, terdapat beberapa koleksi kuliah jihad, syarahan hadis-hadis pilihan dan syarahan surah At-Tawbah dalam format MP3 yang disampaikan sendiri oleh graduan berkenaan.

Info Baru Mengenai TPM UiTM

info-info baru mengenai tpm uitm
  1. sesiapa yang dapat tawaran tpm uitm blh sambung postgraduate by coursework atau pun research
  2. permohonan adalah setahun sekali bergantung kepada keperluan semasa.
  3. setelah tamat phd atau master, calon mesti bekerja di dalam industri dahulu selama setahun sebelum masuk bertugas balik sebagai pensyarah uitm.

Perbezaan Dan Persamaan Antara TPM UiTM 2010 Dan TPM UiTM 2011

TPM UiTm 2010
TPM UiTM 2011
Permohonan melalui penghantaran borang ke fakulti dan JPBSM
Permohonan melalui online
Pihak fakulti menelefon calon yang mendapat panggilan temuduga
Pihak fakulti menghantar email kepada calon yang mendapat panggilan temuduga
Calon dikehendaki membuat presentation dan mengajar ketika temuduga
Calon terlebih dahulu perlu menduduki ujian khas sebelum temuduga.
Elaun RM 2700
Elaun RM 2700
Calon yang Berjaya diwajibkan menyambung pelajaran masters atau PHD
Calon yang Berjaya diwajibkan menyambung pelajaran masters atau PHD
Calon diwajibkan mengajar bergantung kepada kekosongan
Calon diwajibkan mengajar

Perbezaan dan persamaan bergantung pada Fakulti. Tidak semestinya semua fakulti membuat proses yang sama.


sy br dpt email dr uitm ttg perkara utk calon2 tpm sesi 2010 yg belum smbg belajar lg..bkn yg thn ni.
Semua Penerima Tawaran
Skim Biasiswa Tenaga Pengajar Muda UiTM Tahun 2010/2011

MUDA UiTM TAHUN 2010/2011

Dengan hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.

2. Merujuk kepada arahan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (surat
[JPT.S(BPKP)200/400/016/03 J1d.3(27)] bertarikh 15 Oktober 2010) berhubung perubahan
sesi akademik institusi pengajian tinggi bagi kemasukan pelajar lepasan SPM/setaraf dan
lepasan STPM/setaraf, dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Jawatankuasa Latihan & Pembangunan
Staf (Induk) UiTM telah meluluskan pelanjutan tempoh sahlaku tawaran Biasiswa Tenaga
Pengajar Muda bagi tahun 2010/2011 daripada 30 Jun 2011 dan 31 Julai 2011 kepada 30
September 2011.

3. Sukacita dapat pihak tuan/puan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya bagi memastikan
pihak tuan/puan dapat memulakan pengajian dalam tempoh sahiaku yang telah ditetapkan.
Sila ambil perhatian bahawa sekiranya pihak tuan/puan gagal memulakan pengajian dalam
tempoh tersebut, tawaran biasiswa berkenaan adalah TERBATAL.
4 Pihak tuan/puan juga diminta untuk mengemukakan dokumen perjanjian dan
dokumen lain yang berkaitan kepada pihak Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia
(JPbSM) selewat-lewatnya 2 bulan sebelum tuan/puan memulakan pengajian.
5. Sila abaikan pelanjutan tempoh sahlaku ini sekiranya tuan/puan telah memulakan

Sekian, harap maklum dan selamat maju jaya.

Peringatan Mengenai TPM UiTM 2011

anda harus diingatkan supaya tidak mengharapkan keputusan temuduga tpm diketahui dalam tempoh yang terdekat..kerana selepas panggilan temuduga tidak semestinya keputusan diketahui dalam tempoh 6 bulan terdekat. Melalui pengalaman saya..selepas 10 bulan temuduga baru lah keputusan keluar dan alhamdulillah dapat..begitu juga dengan elaun.biasanya elaun tpm uitm akan diberi selepas tempoh 3 bulan..

Info Terkini Temuduga TPM Uitm 2011

Panggilan temuduga untuk tpm uitm 2011 akan dibuat secara berperingkat-peringkat mengikut fakulti masing-masing.Panggilan temuduga akan bermula bulan empat.jadi sentiasa lah bersedia..untuk membantu anda saya akan sentiasa memberi info info terkini mengenai tp uitm.harap maklum dan semoga berjaya.untuk maklumat lanjut telefon ke jpbsm..


Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak) invites candidates qualified Malaysian citizens in a related field to fill vacancies at the Universiti Teknologi MARA (Perak) to meet the Vision 2020's.

1. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat F29
2. Penolong Jurutera (Awam) J29
3. Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran U29

Closing Date: August 5, 2011

Download Iklan lengkap
Download borang permohonan

UTM designated as the low carbon research hub in the Asian region

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was appointed by the Japanese government as a low carbon research hub to train researchers from developing countries in the Asian region.
Head of Researcher, Professor Dr Ho Chin Seong said, the Japanese government has allocated a grant of RM7.8 million to UTM for five years to conduct research and train researchers and government officers from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia to overcome the problem of carbon dioxide emission in the respective countries.

“UTM will lead the Malaysian researchers to collaborate with a team of environmental scientists and researchers from the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan,  Kyoto University, and Okayama University to conduct research in the Iskandar Malaysia region.
“Iskandar Malaysia was chosen as the site for conducting research and developing models of low-carbon society because the area is fast growing,” he said.
He was met at the Symposium and Workshop on Low-Carbon Asia Pacific Hotel Johor Bahru, which was opened by the Chairman of Johor Exco for International Trade and Industry; Energy, Water, Communications and environment YB Tan Kok Hong, who represented the Chief Minister of Johor.
A two-day symposia and workshop was organised by the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), UTM, Kyoto University, (NIES), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

The symposium and workshop held in conjunction with the launching of Low Carbon Society (LCS) in the Iskandar Malaysia region, which aims to promote dialogue between policy makers and researchers and create networks to help increase capacity for promoting low-carbon policies scientifically in Asia.
The symposium and workshop were sponsored by the Low Carbon Society Regional-net (LCS-R net), JST and JICA under the Science and Technology Research Project on the Environment (SATREPS).
Professor Ho said, in order to fulfill its 40% voluntary reduction in carbon intensity by 2020, the government should introduce and implement a low-carbon society to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions at national level.

“Therefore, Malaysia will need to design a road map towards a low-carbon society at either regional or city level and the Iskandar Malaysia region was selected as a study site that will showcase the best practices of low-carbon for the region.
“Overall this research project will benefit not only for the Iskandar Malaysia region but  the whole country and Asia as well,” he said.

The study will direct projects where researchers and government officials or administrators in developing countries can cooperate in the implementation of research results in areas or areas involved.
Among the purpose of the research includes:
a)      To determine the total energy consumption and CO2 emission based on the existing Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of Iskandar Malaysia
b)      To compute a summary of quantitative alternative scenarios on the establishment of a sustainable low-carbon society
c)      To identify potential mitigation measures and policies in the areas of building, transportation, and solid waste management and
d)      To promote awareness among local authorities, the State Government, stakeholders and the community in general to realise a robust growth and a             low carbon society in Iskandar Malaysia.


terdapat beberapa dana yang telah disediakan oleh pihak MOHE bagi menaja postgraduate2 di malaysia.dana ini boleh dipohon oleh semua pelajar universiti di malaysia..berikut adalah penerangan tentang dana tersebut..
1. FRGS – skim geran penyelidikan asas
- penyelidikan yang menghasilkan teori , konsep dan idea yang baru.
- menjawab persoalan why? dan how?.
2. ERGS - skim penyelidikan experiment/exploratasi.
- hasil penemuan boleh diterjemahkan kepada konsep bersifat gunaan.
- menjawab persoalan what? dan where?.
3. LRGS – skim geran penyelidikan jangka panjang.
- penyelidikan fundamental yang memerlukan tempoh perlaksanaan melebihi 3 tahun.
4. PRGS – skim geran penyelidikan prototaip
- penghasilan produk penyelidikan tetapi belum sampai ke peringkat pengkomersialan.
untuk keterangan lanjut…

Scholarships & Loans for Uitm Students

Services provided at Scholarship & Financial Aid Unit, Students Affairs & Alumni are:


The Scholarship & Financial Support Unit manages the PTPTN loans and its other related matters for eligible student such as:
  • Online application
  • Postponement
  • Extension
  • Rate increment
  • Refund
For more information, please log on to the PTPTN website.

State Government Loans and Scholarships

Scholarship offers are advertised annually during the July intake, in print and electronic media. The organisations that offer such a financial support are:
  • Public Service Department (JPA)
  • Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (KPT)
  • Malaysian Ministry of Education (KPM)
  • Malaysian Ministry of Defence
  • Malaysian Ministry of Youth & Sports
  • Malaysian Ministry of Health (for Medicine only)
  • Sime Darby
  • State Government Loan (Yayasan Negeri dan Pusat Zakat Negeri)
  • Tunku Abdul Rahman Foundation
  • Tuanku Fauziah Foundation
  • Malaysian Department of Orang Asli Affairs (JHEOA)


The Scholarship & Financial Support Unit provides financial aid and charity for underprivileged students. Applicants’ eligibility to apply will be assessed based on these conditions:
  • The applicant comes from a household income of less than RM1,000.00
  • The applicant is an orphan
  • The applicant is not funded, by any means, by an external organisation.
Below are the supports provided by the unit:
  • Orphan Charity Fund
  • Underprivileged Students Fund
  • Tan Sri Arshad Ayub Fund
  • Balkis Fund

Student Welfare Fund

A maximum loan/aid of RM500 given to students provided that:
  • The applicant is not bound by loan or any means of financial support from any external organisation.
  • The applicant comes from a household income of RM1000 or less.
  • The applicant is not someone who had just registered with the university.
  • The applicant maintains a good disciplinary record throughout the study period.
Reduction/Exception of Fees
  • The applicant must be in the second semester or above with CGPA of not less than 2.35.
  • The applicant is not sponsored by any external organisations.
  • The applicant fulfills the criteria stipulated by the Committee
Application must be made through the Scholarship & Financial Support Unit. Alternatively the application form can be downloaded from the Scholarship & Financial Support Unit portal.

Students Emergency Fund

UiTM students are protected by this fund, which covers death, injury from an accident and terminal illness.The amount of indemnity is based on the percentage determined by the Emergency Fund Committee, with the maximum compensation of RM7000 for the deceased. The fund is established to aid students with the following misfortunes:
  • Death (compensation will be paid to the deceased student’s beneficiary in a cheque)
  • Accident (claim form is available at the Scholarship & Financial Support Unit website for download).
It is greatly emphasised that reimbursement is not limited to accidents and injuries occurred in campus or during practical training, but it is paid for incidents that happen outside the university, for instance at the student’s hometown.
Students are advised to make their claims immediately after treatment or upon discharge from the hospital for speedy process.

Less-abled Support

The Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia has provided a monthly allowance of RM300 for less-abled students of institutions of higher learning. Less-abled UiTM students can make arrangement with the Scholarship & Financial Support Unit fill the Less-abled Student form, which can be downloaded from the unit’s website.
For more information, please contact the unit at:
Scholarship & Financial Support Unit
Students Affairs & Alumni Division,
Level 3, Bangunan Budisiswa,
Universiti Teknologi MARA,
40450 Shah Alam,
Tel: 03-5544 3545 / 3538 / 3542
Fax: 03-5544 3517

Skim Khidmat Siswazah (Graduate Service Scheme)

This scheme was introduced to supports students with monthly allowance of RM1300 while enable them to enhance their talents and soft skills by assisting in various activities at their respective faculties/branches/COEs. The appointment is for the current semester basis and interested students need to reapply every semester.
Eligibilities to Apply.
Registered Malaysian students pursuing Master by course work or research mode are eligible to  apply.
Academic Requirements

Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree  or equivalent qualification recognized by the Malaysian Government with the minimum requirement depends on the respective Faculty’s Postgraduate Academic Committee (JAPS).
How to Apply
The Graduate Service Scheme is open for application every semester which is in March/April or September/October every year.
The applicants will fill in the application form via an online system e-sks. The application will be reviewed and recommended for the scheme by the respective faculties. Some faculties may call the applicant for interview session before making the recommendation. The successful applicants can then print the offer letter from the system.
Recipients of this scheme are assigned to their respective faculties/branches/centres for minimum of 6 hours per week. Assignments may be assisting in teaching, organizing seminars/conference, assisting at the laboratories, special projects and many others.
for more detail..CLICK HERE


kepada calon yg dh mengisi permohonan tpm uitm..di sini sy nk share sedikit tips tentang temuduga.untuk temuduga tpm ni..anda akan ditemuduga oleh senior lecturer yg mewakili fakulti masing-masing.biasanya mereka ini bertaraf Dr, Ir,Sr,Prof Madya, Prof, timbalan dekan dan dekan.
untuk permulaan anda disuruh membuat presentation menggunakan slide yang anda buat sendiri.tajuk slide adalah bebas. tp saya cadangkan supaya anda membuat slide yg berkaitan dgn bidang yang anda pohon dan anda mestilah betul2 memahami tajuk yg anda pilih.anda hanya diberi masa selama 5 minit.jadi sy cadangkan slide anda seboleh boleh nya tidak kurang dari 5 dan tak lebih dari 10.slide anda juga mesti la ringkas supaya nnti anda boleh membuat explanation tanpa melihat slide kerana panel hanya ingin melihat kebolehan anda mengajar.
selepas membuat presentation, baru la anda akan ditemuduga oleh mereka2 ini..soalan biasanya yg basic2 shj,cuma mesti la speaking dlm english.time ni anda mesti la menunjukkan keyakinan diri anda utk menjawab soalan.kadang2 apa yg diorang ty kita dh jwb betul cuma diorang kata salah sb nk uji keyakinan diri kita.anda kene btl2 menyokong apa shj jawapan yg anda freshgraduate soalan biasanya tanya pasal kenapa berminat,biodata diri,and byk yg bekerja kenapa tkr kerja ambk tpm, kerja brape lama.and byk lg..
tips tambahan..
  • pakaian mesti formal and kemas
  • bawa semua sijil dan dokumen(copy dan asal)
  • bawa resume
  • bawa presentation slide
  • mohon pada Allah semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.InsyaAllah.
sekian,terima kasih..